✔ MONEY CLIP AND CREDIT CARD HOLDER - Money Clip and Credit Card Holder with comfortable and convenient size (8.7/5.4/1.5 cm). Due to this card holder is very light and small, it is comfortable and convenient to keep it in your back or front pocket.
✔ CARDHOLDER CAPACITY - The Card Holder can hold more than 9 cards.
✔ DOUBLE SIDED MONEY CLIP - Double Sided Money Clip with convenient size (6.2/3/0.6 cm). High quality, stainless steel, unfading and undeformable. Double Sided Money Clip holds cash and bills.
✔ PACKAGING - 2 products in 1 package. Package includes 'Money Clip and Credit Card Holder' + 'Double Sided Money Clip'. Products come in a white box.
✔ MONEY BACK GUARANTEE - We work hard to create the best Money Clip and Credit Card Holder + Double Sided Money Clip on the market, for this reason, we give the Money Back Guarantee.