Its indian hand made Elephant Embroidered Clutch Purse Bag
Clutch Purses should be like friends, easy to carry and manageable. Since these are designer bags, they are a fashion statement too. This is something which you can call everyday style bag. Investing in this bag can bring change in your look which you were craving from so long. This bag is made with velvet cotton . As this bag is so colorful it can be wore with anything.
It is something unique. You won’t find such bag in every other hand. A clutch adds a splash of pleasure to the everyday fashions. The elegant piece is a must have if you are fond of art and like to carry ethnic accessories.
Size- Width is 12 Inches & Height is 8 Inches. You can keep all of your necessities inside the purse organizer. Organized compartments so that you can find your belongings easily, hence making your life easier and stress free. You can easily find all your necessities without wasting your time. Magnetic Closure. Easy Returns, if you don't like this product. Also avoid purchasing duplicate products, we would not be responsible for that.
These bags are made keeping in mind the latest trends. It is has a sling therefore easy to carry and will definitely boost your look and personality with its great art work of Rajasthan
Note :- Handicraft Items may vary slightly from the image. Because embroidered patches are recycled in this bag, no two are ever identical. However the theme will be the same.